About the Author

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Ian Richards was born in Palmerston North, New Zealand, in 1958. He holds a Master of Arts from Queen Mary College, London University, and a PhD from Massey University. He is the author of: Everyday Life in Paradise (short stories) 1991; To Bed at Noon: The Life and Art of Maurice Duggan (biography) 1997; A Reader's Guide to the Stories of Maurice Duggan (criticism) 1998; Reading New Zealand Writing--Reviews: 1990--2001 (criticism) 2002; Kuromaku (novel) 2005; Do-It-Yourself History: A Commentary on Maurice Shadbolt's 'Ben's Land' (criticism) 2007; Drongo (novel) 2019; and The Poor Itch: Essays in New Zealand Literature (criticism) 2021. He lives in Japan.

You can visit Ian Richards's Read NZ Te Pou Muramura Homepage at https://www.read-nz.org/writers-files/writer/richards-ian.

You can contact Ian Richards at: richards@omu.ac.jp

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